Patricia Helsel
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Create a One-Minute Commercial Demo that features your versatility and dynamic as spokesperson, announcer, “Real Person,” etc.  


1.Find or create copy for approximately 7 or 8 commercials. (You may end up omitting some.)1
2.Using the media option in Logic, select music to accompany your voice in each segment.2
3.Edit your samples to create a one-minute demo. (Use examples from the many available on the internet agencies we listened to in class.)3


The Commercial Demo is a class project worth 100 points.  
1.Choose the right commercials and products to suit your voice.  1
2.Edit your demo so that the cuts are aesthetically suitable to the transitions.2
3.Your finished product should be perfect.  3
4.Your demo should feature you at your best.4
5.Each commercial segment should convey a sense of mood, character, energy, focus, and audience.5
6.Ultimately, your demo will determine whether or not you are qualified for working in this part of the industry.6

Due Date:

Friday, April 3

Final Commercial Demo:  Students are required to create an audio file demonstrating various styles of commercials. The demo is standard for industry auditions.